

Important tips before proceeding with installation?
  • Verify that the computer is not infected (By Emergency CD).
  • Uninstall any other anti-virus programs.
  • Delete all files in the Windows Temporary folder.
  • Check available hard disk space.
  • Exit all programs before starting the installation
How do I install Quick Heal Anti-Virus?

Double click on Quick Heal installer to proceed with installation and follow on-screen instructions.

Can I install Quick Heal on another computer?

If you install Quick Heal on another computer, it is necessary to register your software after you install the software. You must perform the Registration procedure by providing a valid Serial Number (product key).

How do I uninstall Quick Heal?

If due to any reason you wish to uninstall Quick Heal, follow the below given steps:

  • Click Uninstall Quick Heal from Start-Programs-Quick Heal group.
  • Quick Heal Uninstaller will prompt for the preference of uninstallation. If you wish to reinstall Quick Heal after some time then you can select option ‘Remove Quick Heal and keep update definitions files’. Otherwise select other option ‘Remove Quick Heal completely’ and click Next to proceed.
  • Uninstaller at last will prompt you to restart your system for changes to take effect

1. Before proceeding with uninstallation, please ensure that all programs are closed.

2. Uninstalling Quick Heal under Windows XP operating system requires administrative privilege.

I have upgraded my computer, how do I transfer my registered copy to upgraded PC?

In this case you need to uninstall Quick Heal from old system and install it on upgraded system. You also need to reactivate Quick Heal after installation.

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